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* Lectures on Casting Technology 10: Special Casting Technique
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Lectures on Casting Technology 10: Special Casting Technique
Following Executive Yuan’s order, the company was reformed into a state-owned business by the Ministry of Economic Affairs  
Iron and Steel-making Series IV--Steel-rolling technology (III): The rolling-production of the flat steel  
Lectures on Casting Technology 8: Normal Molding  
The Future of the Steel Industry in Taiwan  
Lectures on Casting Technology 10: Special Casting Technique ABOUT >>
Producer / Author: Masakazu Ishida, Torazou Uehara, Kimizou Koto, Shizuo Suzuki, Sanetoshi Tahada, Kazuhiko Kyoto, Kiyoto Ushijima, Shizuya Maekawa, Yoshitaka Nakakawa 
Source: Guo Yan-Tu 
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