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* Learning the operation technology from the Japanese steel factory
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Learning the operation technology from the Japanese steel factory
Ignition of blast furnace no.4 by former president Jin Mao-Hui  
Inauguration ceremony for the establishment of Yaskawa Electric Taiwan Corporation. Guo Yan-Tu and the other eight people in the celebration.  
Ignition of blast furnace no.4 by former president Ma Ji-Zhuang  
Group photo of Guo Yan-Tu and Korean friends at the 1984 POSCO & CSC tech panel discussion  
Learning the operation technology from the Japanese steel factory ABOUT >>
Source: China Steel Corporation 
Description: The two-phase production facilities were still under construction in 1982. The coke-making vehicles were also bought from Kabukuro Techno Co. In order to learn the operation technology and to visit the coke-making factory that provided them with the facilities, CSC sent a group of technicians to Japan. This is the dormitory of the employees. From left to right are Li Kuen-Chan, Lin Jien-Shan, Wu Kuo-Dong, Shunichiro Hanamura (Director of Kabukuro), Chen Yong-Sen, and Zhou Shi-Chang. 
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