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* Exterior of the pineapple factory, Taitung sugar factory. TSC, 3
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Exterior of the pineapple factory, Taitung sugar factory. TSC, 3
Harvesting pineapples 28  
Taitung Pineapple Factory 52  
Taitung Pineapple Factory 9  
Exterior of the pineapple factory, Taitung sugar factory. 21  
Exterior of the pineapple factory, Taitung sugar factory. TSC, 3 ABOUT >>
Source: Taiwan Sugar Corporation 
Description: The gate of the factory used to be around the location of today's 7-11 convenience store and Daxiang bakery. The factory had up to 2,000 workers at that time. On the right side was the bicycle park and on the left used to be Dawangong Ice Store and Eateries. Most workers brought their own box lunches for work.
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