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* 1994, Technical Advisory Committee medal to Dr. Pan.
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1994, Technical Advisory Committee medal to Dr. Pan.
Pan Wen-Yuan elected as a Fellow of the AAAS.  
Pan Wen-Yuan received an offer as a consultant professor in  Xian Jiaotong University.  
Pan Wen-yuan honored as a Fellow of the IRE.  
Industrial Technology Research Institute of Engineers medal to Dr. Pan  
1994, Technical Advisory Committee medal to Dr. Pan. ABOUT >>
Size: 44 x 30 x 2 cm
Source: Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation 
Description: Dr. Pan Wen-Yuan is the co-founder and former Chariman of the Technical Advisory Committee, U.S.A. for the Industrial Technology Research Institute. For twenty unrelenting years, he has provided the best and most needed assistance to the growth of ITRI. The miracle in the establishment of microelectronics and microcomputer industries in Taiwan has been attributed to the great voluntary efforts of the TAC advisors and the leadership of Dr. Pan in making it possible. Upon his retirement at the age of 82, and in the 20th anniversary of ERSO, we present this token plague to express our appreciation of a great job well done.
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