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*Potential of the petrochemical industry: the added value of 100 liters of petroleum

Potential of the petrochemical industry: the added value of 100 liters of petroleum If you fill up a 2000 c.c. car with 100 liters of gasoline, it can run back and forth between Keelung to Kaohsiung on National Highway No.1. But do you know the added value of 100 liters of gasoline? If 100 liters of gasoline are cracked, restructured and extracted, they can produce 21 polyester shirts, 6 trash cans, 21 acrylic sweaters, 5 rubber tires, 200 pieces of nylon underwear for females, 500 pairs of nylon stockings, 50 kilograms of urea fertilizers, and 14 barrels of kerosene. The price of a high-end shirt can cost a lot more than 100 liters of gasoline: clearly, the petrochemical industry can turn raw materials into high value added products.


*Information source: “Petroleum Industry: the Key to Taiwan’s Economic Miracle” by Ye Jin-long. Chinese Petroleum Society and China Petroleum Corporation.


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